Danielle Gardner

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The Three Levels Of Visibility

Being visible in business means different things to different people, and I think this is because there are three levels of visibility that we move through.

Level 1: Baseline Visibility

The first level is ‘baseline visibility’ which includes things like being comfortable (or not) with: showing our face online, on video, in an online workshop, making a comment on someone else’s social media post, or posting content ourselves.

Level 2: Midline Visibility

Then there is ‘midline visibility’ which is about our level of comfort with others (such as family or friends) seeing or knowing what we are ‘really’ doing in our business. Especially if we are doing any kind of alternative, holistic or spiritual type of work.

Level 3: Game-Changing Visibility

You know you’re in ‘game-changing visibility’ when you are comfortable showing your face and having family and friends know what you do, but you feel anxious (terrified even) about giving voice to certain things in your content.

You have views, opinions or approaches on things that are very different from your peers, industry or community.

And you fear that sharing these perspectives could ruffle some feathers, resulting in criticism, unsubscribes, unfollows or people clicking ‘hide all posts’ so they don’t see you on their newsfeed.

But at the same time, what you want to share will validate what many people thought to be true. These people will value you for what you have shared because they had made themselves wrong, until now — until you echoed their deepest questions, thoughts and concerns.

Game-changing visibility does have its emotional risks, but it's worth pursuing because it’s one way you can contribute to shifting the collective consciousness on a topic — even in the most minuscule way.

We are not here on planet Earth to share messages that will be palatable for everyone; we are here to give voice to what we believe to be true. And through this act of authenticity, someone could change the trajectory of their life because you shared your perspective.

Think about that possibility!

If being visible online continues to be a challenge for you, then take a look at this class recording where Aesha Kennedy and I present on how you can show up and be seen in a way that feels like an authentic expression of who you are.

Meanwhile, I’d love to know where you feel you are on the visibility scale. Let’s chat in the comments.

Danielle Gardner
Business + Messaging Guide