Danielle Gardner

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Introvert Marketing Ideas To Spark Your Quiet Power

You don’t need to follow conventional marketing advice in order to succeed in business.

Introverts like you and me are highly stimulated by our inner world, while also being very sensitive to the energies of others.

That's why lots of activity, noise and small talk rapidly deplete our energy and make mainstream online marketing approaches ineffective and not enjoyable for us.

Try these approaches instead:

  1. Follow your natural inclination to write. Your words could be the catalyst to a whole new way of thinking for your audience. Be courageous and share your perspectives with them. This is what will draw in clients that you will enjoy working with.

  2. Take your published content and turn them into audio content, like this audio I created from my bed. I really love having the option to listen to other people’s content rather than reading because it gives me a rest from looking at a screen. It means I can lie down for a few minutes, relax and listen. By hearing their voice, I get to know them better as well. Give this experience to your audience.

  3. Does the idea of showing up to an in-person networking type event make you feel a little anxious? I hear you! Instead, try your hand at being an event organiser. As an organiser, you have a role to play and there is always something to do. Plus you don't need to initiate small talk because people come and talk to you! This is one of my favourite introvert strategies.

  4. Having video content is important so that your ideal clients can get a better sense of who you are. But creating video content can feel really hard. So pair up with a friend in business and have them interview you about a topic your audience struggles with.

  5. Potentize your marketing. Instead of trying to be on various platforms or online communities all at once, focus on one or two and do them really well. Having a clear and interesting message also allows you to market less frequently and still build an audience.

Which of these ideas speaks to you?

Let’s chat in the comments.

Danielle Gardner
Business + Messaging Guide

P.S. I created The Tea Room for women like me and you. Have a little look-see!