Quiet Marketing Mastermind


Reset your marketing strategy to one where discoverable content is always at work, even when you’re not — bringing aligned clients to your website in a way that honours your energy and Human Design

Launching in February next year, this exclusive mastermind offers a unique opportunity to work directly with me. It’s designed especially for those looking to reboot their business or start fresh with the principles of Quiet Marketing. If this resonates with you, join the waiting list to be the first to know when applications open.


A more aligned, transparent and meaningful approach to marketing as a Highly Sensitive Person

Unconventional, nature-loving individuals like us don’t want to ‘have to’ show up on social media every day for our ideal clients to know we exist.

But alternative visibility strategies offered by some marketing coaches are just as taxing on your nervous system — because they require methods such as cold outreach or ad campaigns where pricing is only revealed via a discovery call. 

For Highly Sensitive People, these strategies can leave you feeling overloaded and burnt out.

You need a calmer, more transparent approach to helping clients discover your work. An approach that lets ideal clients understand what you are about, and be fully informed of your pricing before you enter into an exploration of working together.

This is where ‘Discoverability’ comes in.

About your guide: Danielle Gardner

I’m a Business and Marketing Mentor supporting quietly ambitious service-based solopreneurs who crave more simplicity and impact with their business and marketing — while spending less time online.


What makes me the right mentor for you?


I'm not mainstream

Following conventional advice is not my thing. I question everything and find unconventional solutions to common business issues.

I don’t rely on socials

90% of clients discover me outside of social media — which is why I still enjoy having a presence on Instagram, because I don’t ‘have to’ be there.

Simplifying is my thing

My innate design is to simplify complex tasks and ideas — this is evident in my Creator Type constitution, which you will learn about in the programme. 


Discoverability turns marketing on its head.

Instead of trying to capture people's attention by showing up on social media news feeds, you mindfully craft searchable content that your ideal clients actually go looking for.

As a result, people actively pursue you!


And because they find you, they’re more inclined to make self-led purchasing decisions — without needing your input or persuasion.

Becoming discoverable is a form of business owner self-care. 

Because when you know people can find you — without you having to show up and be visible all the time — it’s easier to exhale, relax, and mentally log out of your business at the end of the day.